Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I have finally picked up my camera again, and damn it feels good.

I am taking a photojournalism class this quarter and so far is been awesome. I have never seriously taken portraits before so it was a nice change of pace from my regular photography. It was a fun and intimate experience, I would like to take them more often.

These are the photos from my first "Icebreaker assignment" for the class. The question was 'if money was no obligation, what would your occupation be':

Antonio Diaz, currently a Rumba dance instructor, said if money was no obligation
he would be a “dancer, a full time dancer.” Diaz said “because that is what I love.”

“I would ride my bike across the world,” Henry said, “doing good deeds for people.”
 Last summer Henry made a 10 day bicycle trip from Aberdeen, WA to Reno, NV.

If money was no obligation for Cody Erdman, he would do the thing he does already.
 “I already feel that money is no obligation,” Erdman said.

Meagan Curran is currently an Elementary Education major at WWU.
Curran said she would still be a teacher,“I am not going to get paid anything anyways.”

“Live everyday abundantly, and pay it forward,” said Young.
Young said if money was no obligation she would help people who are in need.

Shirley Osterhaus is a teacher/activist in the Fairhaven College at WWU. Osterhaus said
 she has found her place, “I feel I get to do what I love doing and get paid for it.”