Thursday, February 20, 2014


Happy - /ˈhapē/ - Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment

What makes you happy? What is it that you love to do? Have you been doing it recently? If not, how do you feel? If so, how do you feel?

I think the key to happiness is doing what you love, and doing it often; because if your not doing what you love, then what are doing at all? Sometimes there is work to be done or obligations that need to be fulfilled, but everyone needs to make time for doing what they love. Otherwise, life isn't much fun.

Since I didn't get a seasons pass this year, skiing has not been as easy. I still get into the backcountry fairly often, but I can't ski when the avalanche danger is high. It becomes hard when all of my roommates and friends go to ski inbounds and I am left back at home. My head starts going haywire, I get stressed out and I start letting little things get to me.

Luckily, skiing isn't the only thing I love to do. Photographing people doing what THEY love to do is something that I love to do. So when the skiing was bad this weekend and I couldn't go inbounds i followed some of my friends to document them in the midst of their passions.


Bikes are sick. They are a self propelled, mechanized horse that can take you for a delightful stroll by the beach or send you down a braided goat trail, dodging boulders and branches at 30 miles per hour.

Fatigued legs push and pull, steadily progressing our steel steeds upward for another surge of adrenaline. Heavy breathing (mostly from me) can be heard as we finish the last steep uphill before the trailhead. High fives go around as Kristian Duft, Spencer Pikel and I get ready to for the fluid motion of the descent. We duck into the trees and sweep around a corner, tires gripping the frozen ground.

I also went out biking this weekend to help out Cody North with a sponsorship video. Video is for sure my weak point when it comes to media production, so I have been trying to practice it more.

Fly Fishing

10, 2, 10, 2. If you can imagine the full rotation of your arm to the side of your body as a clock, 10 and 2 are the ideal spots to start and stop your cast. This is what my dad taught me. Don't be jarring with your casting, be patient and fluid.

Fly fishing is an art. Casting a fly line probably looks like another boring sport that old men like to do. But, it is far from that. It is a chance to get intimate with other beings and your surroundings. It slows down time.

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