Another assignment for my photojournalism class. This time the topic was an environmental portrait, capturing someone in their element, whether it be their occupation, passion or hobby.
I was first going to photograph someone down at the docks of Bellingham, hoping that I would find someone who lived a life on the water. But, it just so happened that I was going to buy a bike on craigslist, and I needed someone who knew bikes to look at it with me.
My acquaintance Kristian Duft, being the genuinely nice fellow that he is, offered to cruise up to the north part of Bellingham to check out the bike with me. After we check out the bike (which I ended up buying the next day), we rode back to his house and I saw his garage/bike shop. That is when I had the bright idea of using Kristian as my environmental portrait, since he "bleeds oil" I thought that he would be a perfect fit.
He is a gnarly mountain biker but loves any type of bicycle. When he isn't in school, rock climbing or doing homework, he is downhill mountain biking, or out speeding down hills on his road bike.
My shoot didn't go spectacular, my best shots ended up being out of focus. But I had a fun time getting to know Kristian more and I did manage to get a good shot out of it all.
“If you cut me I would bleed oil,” Kristian Duft, 19, says. Biking is a lifestyle for Duft; he has his own bicycle work station in his garage, and he says he has been mountain biking, road biking and racing bikes for as long as he can remember. |